Baby hair loss: How To Solve

Every baby is unique and special to his parents. Every child develops differently. However, parents often worry if their children are developing correctly. Because during the first six months after birth, a developing baby can still face several problems even under normal circumstances. Baby hair loss is one of them. After delivery, most babies lose some or even all of their hair in the first few months of life. And it’s completely normal. This kind of hair loss is called “telogen effluvium.”

Is Baby Hair Loss Normal ?

baby hair loss

Newborns are born with varying amounts of hair. Besides, Newborn’s hair loss is perfectly normal and nothing to worry about this. A baby loses his hair because of hormones. A newborn’s hormone level drop right after birth, which can cause him to lose hair. The fluctuating hormones that are likely the cause for their hair loss. And it’s the natural part of the growth process. 

How To Understand Natural Baby Hair Loss

Normal baby hair loss won’t be the cause of any trouble for your baby in a way, shape, or form. 

Here are some signs of natural baby hair loss:

  • Hair in places your baby rests their head, such as crib or stroller.
  • Even, Hair in the bath or on the towel after you washed your baby’s hair.
  • Hair in your hand after you caress your baby’s head.
  • Hair leftover in a hat or a headcover after you take it off.

There is no need to worry if these are the only signs you see. It’s the process or a new stage your newborn is just going through.

When Does Baby Hair Loss Occur

Parents become surprised when they discover their newborn is losing his hair. Most hair loss happens after the first six months of birth, peaking at about three months. Because in the first three to six months, the baby’s hormones level fluctuates frequently. In some baby’s hair regrowth happens at the same time hair falls out. For others, the hair falls out quickly and take a lot of time to regrowth and leaving your child a cue-ball bald.

Why Is My Little One Losing Hair

Here is why your baby loses his hair. Hair has a growth stage and, at the same time, a resting stage. Also, The growth stage lasts about three years. The resting stage lasts about three to six months. During the resting stage, the hair remains in the follicle until the new hair starts coming in. About five to fifteen percent of the hair on the scalp is usually in the resting phase. But stress, fever, or hormonal change can cause a large amount of hair loss. But all these are the processors for developing. 

TAKE A GLANCE Exceptional Baby Hair Style For Girl

What To Do If Your Baby Starts To Lose Hair

You can do nothing about your little one’s hair loss except look forward and seeing your baby’s new do. Because it’s related to hormone levels, and also it is a normal physiological response to birth. But as parents it will bother you, here are some simple suggestions for them:

  1. If the bald spot, because your baby is spending too much time in the same position. Try alternating the way your baby sleeps.
  2. Make sure your baby spends some time on time on tummy every day. It will help to take a break from the back of his head.
  3. Avoid style your baby’s hair and skip tight hairbands.
  4. Comb your baby’s hair with a soft baby brush.
  5. Only comb hair once every other day.
  6. Use a mild shampoo made for babies and less irritating for their scalps. Don’t overdo it. Don’t scrub it.

These are the most you can do for this. After a specific time, your baby’s hair will cause regrowth naturally, so there is no need to panic. Most adults immediately jump to the conclusion that sudden hair loss can affect later on life. But again, that’s often not the case for babies. Once your little one starts sitting up, his hair will grow back.

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